All-New Snap Judgments, Episode 8: More on Spotlight Caches & Saying Hello to the New Meta [ft. LaurenWhatever]

After the most recent OTA changes, Marvel Snap has gone through one of its biggest meta shifts since global launch. After the last patch and the introduction of Spotlight Caches, Marvel Snap’s game economy has fundamentally changed in its largest way since the introduction of the Token Shop. To guide us through these huge revolutions in our favourite game Glazer and Roy are joined by LaurenWhatever (@LaurenWhatevs) to crunch the Spotlight Cache numbers and dig in deep to the big OTA changes. This episode is a not to miss one-stop shop for all you need to know to begin exploring all of the big ticket changes to Marvel Snap. Sprinkled between all these deep insights is a discussion of the latest card releases – including Echo, Jean Grey, and Legion. All that value and more in just over two hours of podcast goodness!

Quick note: there were minor recording issues that were largely resolved in editing but there are some minor issues with sound levels/quality outside of our usual range. Apologies for any inconvience!

After listening to the episode make sure you follow Lauren on Twitter (@LaurenWhatevs) and read her content on Marvel Snap Zone

You can now find the YouTube version of our show on the Marvel Snap Zone YouTube – with upgrades! The video version of the podcast now has a visual version of the show notes so you can follow along while watching. We are still working on the kinks of the new system, so patience is appreciated while we sort things out. You can only find all of the All-New Snap Judgments episodes each week on the Marvel Snap Zone YouTube page. Glazer will still be producing daily “Snap Takes” on our YouTube, however. So make sure you come back to the Snap Judgments YouTube each and every day so that you stay on top of the meta and get the hottest decks before anyone else.

We now offer our show notes in a NEW form – a Google Slide deck. You can see our show notes here and follow along with the episode with all the visual pazazz while you listen! If you want to check out links to everything we discuss in this week’s episode give those show notes a click!

Interested in talking about the show with us? Interested in supporting the show? We are NOW the official podcasting partner of Marvel Snap Zone. We have our own channel on their Discord that you can join and discuss Snap, the show, and more!

Twitter: @snapjudgecast
Discord: Marvel Snap Zone

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