Snap Judgments, Episode 121: Reviewing OTA & Agamotto [ft. Mrs. Wolf & NickDaGreekGeek]

We now offer our show notes in a NEW form – a Google Slide deck. You can see our show notes here and follow along with the episode with all the visual pazazz while you listen! If you want to check out links to everything we discuss in this week’s episode give those show notes a click!

Twitter: @snapjudgecast
Youtube: @snapjudgmentspod

Snap Judgments, Episode 120: Top 10 Cards in March 2025 + Dream OTA [ft. Den & Ika]

We now offer our show notes in a NEW form – a Google Slide deck. You can see our show notes here and follow along with the episode with all the visual pazazz while you listen! If you want to check out links to everything we discuss in this week’s episode give those show notes a click!

Twitter: @snapjudgecast
Youtube: @snapjudgmentspod

Snap Judgments, Episode 119: OTA & May Cards [ft. Kiernimbus & KiddilyChan]

We now offer our show notes in a NEW form – a Google Slide deck. You can see our show notes here and follow along with the episode with all the visual pazazz while you listen! If you want to check out links to everything we discuss in this week’s episode give those show notes a click!

Twitter: @snapjudgecast
Youtube: @snapjudgmentspod

Snap Judgments, Episode 118: Avengers 10000 BC Season Overview [ft. Tuccrr]

Glazer and Roy are joined by the Pirate King Tuccrr (@Tuccrr) to discuss all of the new cards in March!

We now offer our show notes in a NEW form – a Google Slide deck. You can see our show notes here and follow along with the episode with all the visual pazazz while you listen! If you want to check out links to everything we discuss in this week’s episode give those show notes a click!

Twitter: @snapjudgecast
Youtube: @snapjudgmentspod


Snap Judgments, Episode 117: Sanctum Breakdown & OTA [ft. Obihaved, NickDaGreekGeek, & Mottelz]

We now offer our show notes in a NEW form – a Google Slide deck. You can see our show notes here and follow along with the episode with all the visual pazazz while you listen! If you want to check out links to everything we discuss in this week’s episode give those show notes a click!

Twitter: @snapjudgecast
Youtube: @snapjudgmentspod

Snap Judgments, Episode 116: Top 5 Cards in Each Slot [ft. ToxicSoulKing]

We now offer our show notes in a NEW form – a Google Slide deck. You can see our show notes here and follow along with the episode with all the visual pazazz while you listen! If you want to check out links to everything we discuss in this week’s episode give those show notes a click!

Twitter: @snapjudgecast
Youtube: @snapjudgmentspod

Snap Judgments, Episode 115: Character Mastery, Datamines, & OTA! [ft. D4re & Ika]

We now offer our show notes in a NEW form – a Google Slide deck. You can see our show notes here and follow along with the episode with all the visual pazazz while you listen! If you want to check out links to everything we discuss in this week’s episode give those show notes a click!

Twitter: @snapjudgecast
Youtube: @snapjudgmentspod


Snap Judgments, Episode 114: Brave New World Season Overview [ft. Tuccrr]

Glazer and Roy are joined by the Pirate King Tuccrr (@Tuccrr) to discuss all of the new cards in February!

We now offer our show notes in a NEW form – a Google Slide deck. You can see our show notes here and follow along with the episode with all the visual pazazz while you listen! If you want to check out links to everything we discuss in this week’s episode give those show notes a click!

Twitter: @snapjudgecast
Youtube: @snapjudgmentspod

Snap Judgments, Episode 113: Series 4 & Series 5 Buying Guide! [ft. NickDaGreekGeek, Prashaun, ObiHaved]

We now offer our show notes in a NEW form – a Google Slide deck. You can see our show notes here and follow along with the episode with all the visual pazazz while you listen! If you want to check out links to everything we discuss in this week’s episode give those show notes a click!

Twitter: @snapjudgecast
Youtube: @snapjudgmentspod

Snap Judgments, Episode 112: Top Ten Decks in Marvel Snap (January 2025) [ft. Den]

This week Glazer and Roy are joined by Marvel Snap Zone’s very own Den (@Den_CCG) to provide a qualitative look at the overall meta of Marvel Snap. Looking for what decks Glazer and Den think will score you to the top of the ladder or help you build your collection of Conquest tickets in preparation for Infinite runs? If so, this is the episode to check out. Make sure you check the deck lists through our show notes.

We now offer our show notes in a NEW form – a Google Slide deck. You can see our show notes here and follow along with the episode with all the visual pazazz while you listen! If you want to check out links to everything we discuss in this week’s episode give those show notes a click!

Twitter: @snapjudgecast
Youtube: @snapjudgmentspod