Tag Archives: Marvel Snap

Snap Judgments, Episode 11: Patching Away The Leader Blues?

This week Will is back to discuss everyone’s favorite day in Marvel SNAP – Patch Day! Roy, Glazer, Will, and Lavin go over the ins and outs of the latest patch and its impact on the Marvel SNAP meta. Lavin and Glazer also share their experience with the new Friendly Battle mode. All of this alongside chatting about the upcoming bundle packages and taking listener questions on everything Marvel SNAP – from eSports to data in gameplay to how MODOK will break the meta. This is another not to miss episode!

Interested in talking about the show with us? Interested in supporting the show? We’re now affiliated with Snap.Fan. We have our own channel on their Discord that you can join and discuss Snap, the show, and more!

As Discussed In This Episode…
Bot Tracking Spreadsheet – https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vQ77kT2a4up-vX7w1qgmxG6_oQj2j6o_bVxZKXueonW4EuV5LwyrCkQoNiOw_namLYg8YZpKRq-9QYr/pubhtml#
Educated Collins, I learned to hit Rank 400 in Marvel Snap! – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0HyZrWKrQng
3 TIPS TO LADDER TO INFINITE IN MARVEL SNAP by Homeboy Maxwell – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ukozm4JpbCo&ab_channel=HomeboyMaxwell
Glazer’s Infinite Deck:
Shang Chi
Moon Girl
White Queen
She Hulk

Facebook: snapjudgmentspodcast
Twitter: @snapjudgecast
Discord: “Snap Judgments” channel on Snap.Fan’s Discord
Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email us at snapjudgmentspodcast@gmail.com.

Snap Judgments, Episode 10: Engaging With The Most Broken Cards

This week Glazer, Roy, and Lavin discuss how to counter the most “broken” cards in Marvel Snap. Darkhawk got you down? Zabu costing you cubes? Shuri providing your opponent with an unbeatable advantage? Silver Surfer gliding over your best boards? No worries! We’ve got you completely covered in this 90ish minute episode. It is a one stop shop for helping reclaim some of that cube equity “stolen” by the “pay to win cards.”

NOTE: Glazer’s internet suffered some issues through the middle portion of this episode. While we have edited as much of the chaos that created out of the episode there is still some wonkiness for about ten minutes as we get back on track with Glazer settling his issues with Comcast.

Interested in talking about the show with us? Interested in supporting the show? We’re now affiliated with Snap.Fan. We have our own channel on their Discord that you can join and discuss Snap, the show, and more!

Facebook: snapjudgmentspodcast
Twitter: @snapjudgecast
Discord: “Snap Judgments” channel on Snap.Fan’s Discord
Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email us at snapjudgmentspodcast@gmail.com.

Snap Judgments, Episode 9: Snaps & Boots

Roy, Glazer, and Lavin are joined by Chris Bootman (https://www.youtube.com/@bootmanmstz) for a wide ranging discussion about Marvel Snap. Topics include: how to snap in Marvel Snap, what it means to be “good” in the game, the current Snap meta game, the game’s economy, and thoughts the latest card releases.

Make sure you check out Bootman’s socials – @bootmanmstz on YouTube & @realchrisboutte on Twitter.

As Discussed In This Episode…
Bootman’s Video About Snapping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0IJGs-Rouk&ab_channel=mstzbootman
Bootman Snaps First Turn 50 Times!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvb7aJu2rd8
Code Deco’s Shuri/Darkhawk Deck: https://marvelsnapzone.com/decks/shuri-dabu-code-deco/

Interested in talking about the show with us? Interested in supporting the show? We’re now afflianted with Snap.Fan. We have our own channel on their Discord that you can join and discuss Snap, the show, and more!

Facebook: snapjudgmentspodcast
Twitter: @snapjudgecast
Discord: “Snap Judgments” channel on Snap.Fan’s Discord

Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email us at snapjudgmentspodcast@gmail.com.

Snap Judgments, Episode 7: Big Cat Hunting or Big Cat Hunter?

In this episode Roy, Glazer, Chris, and Will discuss all the recent Marvel Snap news, January’s pending card releases, the upcoming balances changes, and the “Big Cat” post-Zabu meta. All while answering listener questions and offering a splattering of warm and hot takes!

Things Discussed in This Episode:
Leaked Patch Notes – https://marvelsnapzone.com/marvel-snap-january-4-2023-patch-notes-leaked-by-the-official-korean-community/
Bynx Zabu Counter – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ixn5ttScjZ0&t=164s
The Best Zabu Deck – https://twitter.com/derajn/status/1610522060807196672?s=20&t=QUqYAKQjeN_Pg_t-iBi1Eg

Interested in talking about the show with us? Interested in supporting the show? We’re now afflianted with Snap.Fan. We have our own channel on their Discord that you can join and discuss Snap, the show, and more!

Facebook: snapjudgmentspodcast
Twitter: @snapjudgecast
Discord: “Snap Judgments” channel on Snap.Fan’s Discord

Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email us at snapjudgmentspodcast@gmail.com.

Snap Judgments, Episode 6: Snapping Out 2022

In our final episode of 2022, Roy and Glazer discuss their progress on the Marvel Snap ladder, what decks they are playing in the current meta, and then award some year end ‘snap judgments’ on the Marvel Snap cards of 2022.

Things Discussed in This Episode:
Bootman Control – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1ExdQg0iwc

Interested in talking about the show with us? Interested in supporting the show? We’re now afflianted with Snap.Fan. We have our own channel on their Discord that you can join and discuss Snap, the show, and more!

Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email us at snapjudgmentspodcast@gmail.com.

Snap Judgments, Episode 5: Leeching the News

In this episode Roy, Glazer, and Chris discuss all of the mid-December Marvel Snap News – the Wintermas events, the Second Dinner’s road map, and more! We then turn our attention to the “little green men” meta of Leech & Leader. We talk about the deck’s strengths and weaknesses, how to beat it, and what the deck might mean for the future of competitive Snap.

Things Discussed in This Episode:
The Doctor Leech Deck (Leecher by DeraJN) – This deck BROKE the entire META – LEECHER – 80% winrate to INFINITE | Marvel Snap
Aaron Playing Against Marvel SnapZone – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzbIwiITt7E&t=406s

Interested in talking about the show with us? Interested in supporting the show? We’re now afflianted with Snap.Fan. We have our own channel on their Discord that you can join and discuss Snap, the show, and more!

Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email us at snapjudgmentspodcast@gmail.com.

Snap Judgments, Episode 3: Surfing Towards a New Season

In this episode we recap the ‘Black Panther’ season of Marvel Snap and move to discussing the new ‘Silver Surfer’ season. We then catch a wave while answering some fan mail.

As metioned in the episode:
Is the Marvel Snap Season Pass WORTH BUYING? [Silver Surfer Edition]
INFINITE PUSH Starts NOW! This Silver Surfer Death Deck is VERY STRONG!
Hooglandia’s Silver Surfer Deck – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6A9wZU5Kon0&t=501s&ab_channel=HooglandiaMarvelSnap
3 Decks To Try With Silver Surfer On Release! – Marvel Snap Silver Surfer Season

Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email us at snapjudgmentspodcast@gmail.com.

Snap Judgments, Episode 2: Yearnings & Dinosaurs

In this episode we discuss how to build, play, and excell with Devil Dinosuar decks through all three pools. We also discuss what cards we yearn for the most.

As metioned in the episode:
TLSG guide to Devil Dino: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jp3haMvTjGs&ab_channel=TLSG-MarvelSnap
Alexander Coccia on Devil Dino in Pool 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EabZERpZeHA&t=896s&ab_channel=AlexanderCoccia
Teddy Ninja on Devil Dino in Pool 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nDY4NFbx40


Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email us at snapjudgmentspodcast@gmail.com.

Snap Judgments, Episode 1: A Snappin’ Good Time

Welcome to Snap Judgments a new podcast about Second Diner’s Marvel Snap! This week join Roy, Aaron, and Chris as they discuss getting started Snapin’. They go over how to get cards in Marvel Snap then cover some early decks and strategies – including the new season card Black Panther.

As metioned in the episode:
Freshlobster Starter Decks – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUW1hm6TOPM&t=909s&ab_channel=freshlobster & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9jGRkT4McA&ab_channel=freshlobster

Questions? Comments? Feedback? Email us at snapjudgmentspodcast@gmail.com.

Opening and closing music is: Magenta Moon (Part II) by Linenoise.